
Sub-Lettings for periods of six months or more

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THE LEASEHOLDER is required by Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited (“The Company”) to undertake the following:

1) In satisfaction of clause 4.16.5, within one month of each under-letting to send to Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited two certified copies of the documents effecting the under-letting, together with a registration fee of £30. There is currently no VAT payable on this fee. Copy documents and cheques for the payment of fees, which should be made payable to ‘Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited’, should sent to; Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited, 108 Reception, Dolphin Quays, The Quay, Poole BH15 1HH.

2) To lodge full details of the lead tenant and other occupiers, and their vehicle registration number with the Company and with Front Desk, together with the name of the agent or other person appointed to let and manage the apartment, and to provide full contact details of that agent, including a 24 hour emergency contact telephone number.

3) To record the identity number of each white security access card issued to agents or tenants, in order that lost cards can be identified and cancelled.

4) To undertake that each lead occupant shall be supplied with a copy of the apartment owner’s lease and informed in writing of his/her obligations to conform to the covenants contained in that lease, and to take all reasonable steps to ensure that these covenants are adhered to.

5) To notify the occupier in writing in advance of the access arrangements, car space number, and the location of the bin store, and to ensure that no vehicle is parked in any space other than the one allocated to that leaseholder’s apartment.

6) To ensure that the occupier is made aware of the procedures and routes for evacuation in the event of fire or other emergency.

7) To ensure that, upon departure, the occupier returns all keys and security cards to the apartment owner or his agent.


To abide by the covenants for good estate management set out in the apartment owner’s lease and to confirm that he/she has been provided with a copy of the superior lease and all other Regulations in force at the time.