Fire Safety
Dolphin Quays has an integrated Fire Alarm system with separate panels covering the Commercial and Residential blocks, and the Car park. The Central Control panel is located in Reception and is monitored 24/7 by the Concierge Team. If a sensor is triggered then the alarms will sound IN THAT BLOCK ONLY and on the central panel, the Fire Brigade will then decide whether to evacuate further blocks, (there are one hour fire doors between blocks).
The system is checked every Tuesday between 10:30 and 11:30 by the Concierge Team. If you do not hear the alarm test, please contact the concierge.
Each apartment is protected by a Front Door which is designed to resist fire for up to 60 minutes and all apartments are fitted with hard-wired smoke detectors, fitted with back-up batteries. From time-to-time. the back-up batteries require replacement – a tell-tale beeping noise indicates that the battery is reaching the end of its life, and should be replaced immediately. Do not attempt to disconnect the detectors – your life and the lives of others could depend on them. Be aware that the detectors may continue to beep for up to eight hours after battery replacement – it sometimes takes a while for them settle down.
There is a requirement that ‘best endeavours’ are used to inspect apartment front doors and seals annually.
Residents or visitors requiring assistance to evacuate the building should notify the Concierge Team who will maintain a list for Fire Service use.
Fire Evacuation Strategy
This building operates a Simultaneous Evacuation Policy
If a fire breaks out in your apartment
- Leave the room where the fire is straight away, then close the door.
- Tell everyone in the apartment and get them to leave.
- Close windows, internal doors, and the front door of your apartment behind you.
- Do not stay behind to put the fire out or collect personal belongings.
- Raise the alarm by using a ‘break glass’ call point.
- Call the fire service by dialling 999 or 112.
- Leave the building by the nearest exit. Do not use the lifts.
- Wait outside, away from the building at the assembly point opposite the Poole Quay Hotel.
If you hear the fire alarm in your apartment or communal corridor.
- The evacuation plan for this building requires all occupiers to proceed to the assembly point when the communal fire detection and alarm system sounds.
- If you hear the alarm sounding in your apartment or adjacent corridor leave immediately closing the front door of your apartment behind you.
- Leave the building by the nearest exit. Do not use the lifts.
- Wait outside, away from the building at the assembly point opposite the Poole Quay Hotel.
To call the fire service
- Dial 999 or 112
- When the operator answers, give your telephone number, and ask for FIRE.
- When the fire service answers, give the address where the fire is,
Dolphin Quays BH15 1HH - Do not end the call until the fire service has repeated the address correctly.