Regulations – introduction
All residents, both owners and sub-tenants, are obliged to comply with the terms of the owner’s lease.
Sub-tenants must be provided with a copy of the lease, as well as their own document, and undertake to comply.
Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited has issued specific Regulations, as provided for in the occupational leases, and these are set out in the articles below. For the comfort and amenity of all residents, individual occupiers undertake to abide by these Regulations.
11th November 2012
Dolphin Quays (2009) Limited – Regulations
In line with the recent Arbitration Award and in the interests of good estate management, the Board is introducing Regulations in relation to sub-letting, and updating Regulations for the keeping of pets:
- Sub-Lettings for periods of less than six months
- Sub-Lettings for periods of six months or more
- The Keeping of Pets
These Regulations are expressly provided for in Dolphin Quays’ leases, are binding upon all leaseholders and take immediate effect.
The under-letting Regulations fall into two categories – those which the individual leaseholder shall be responsible for, and those which an occupier or guest will be required to abide by. This will enable the Board and Front Desk to deal swiftly and effectively with any management issues that may arise.
These Regulations supersede all existing Regulations covering Sub-letting and Pets and may be amended or supplemented at the Landlord’s discretion at any time.
It should be noted that all applications for the assignment of leases (i.e. sales) should continue to be made to the Company’s solicitors, Messrs Lester Aldridge.